End of year tax letter
All donations are tax deductible, by the extent allowed by the law. JM HolyAid Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3).
If you donate more than $250 in a given calendar year, JM HolyAid Foundation will send you an end-of-year tax letter with a summary of your donations. You can choose to receive an email or a paper letter.
For online donations, indicate at the time of donation whether you would like to receive the letter by email.
Email us to update your preferences at any time.
Wills, Trusts and Annuities
As a donor, you may obtain substantial personal and tax benefits by making gifts through wills, trusts, annuities and other forms of deferred giving. In this way you will also provide major benefits for the work which JM HolyAid Foundation is helping to support.
Contact us at info@jmholyaid.org for questions about bequests, life income arrangements or gifts involving real estate or stocks.
Gifts of Securities
If you wish to make a gift of securities, please send us an email to request instructions at: info@jmholyaid.org
Gifts of securities can offer a double tax benefit: a tax deduction based on the current fair market value of the gift and the avoidance of capital gains taxes that would otherwise be assessed on the sale.