During this celebration we provide lunch, gift bags and personal hygiene supplies to the children of our educational program.
"Divino Niño" Holiday Lunch
A delicious holyday meal and goodie bags are provided to the children who assist to the soup kitchen at Nuestra Señora de Coromoto Parish.
Holiday Celebration for the children with cancer
Special event for the Carlos Francisco Children with Cancer Foundation in Puerto Cabello (FANCARF), where toys, party favors, entertainment, lunch, and groceries bags are provided to children and their families.
Holy Innocent's Day Event
On December 28, JM HolyAid Foundation held an event where we provide meals, toys, and goodie bags to over 300 children in need.
Three Kings Day Event
On January 6th, our volunteers, dressed as the Three Wise Men, visit and bring joy to children in hospitals and underprivileged communities.